Partnering Towards Proficiency

The Opportunity

NYC PS 1 Courtlandt is an elementary school based in the Bronx, NY. In 2016 the school had 598 students enrolled (76% Hispanic, 22% Black, 31% ELL, 25% SPED) with just 14% of students achieving a proficient English score on state exams, earning the school a “Needs Improvement” rating for helping ELL students on state exams.

Our Approach

PRACTICE partnered with Principal Perdomo to customize a 4-week summer literacy program for 60 1st and 2nd graders with half of the students being English Language Learners. The course focused mainly on reading comprehension, taking place from Monday to Thursday for 4 hours per day.

Our Impact

In 2018, 26% of PS 1 Courtlandt students achieved proficiency on state exams and the school was rated two levels higher as “Good” for helping ELL students.

partnering toward student proficiency

“PRACTICE’s vision aligns well with any school seeking to empower students to mentor and lead themselves. I would recommend PRACTICE to any Principal looking for quality support.”
– Principal Jorge Perdomo, P.S. 1 Courtlandt School

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