High School Algebra II

The Opportunity

Harry S. Truman is a high school in Bronx, NY serving 1,891 students (46% Black, 35% Hispanic, 7% ELLs, and 24% SPED). Principal Alfano was looking to increase Algebra II scores across two self-contained special education classes where students had failed the Algebra II regents at least once, and in some cases twice, and needed a passing grade to be promoted.

Our Approach

During the 2023 – 2024 school year, we placed one Education Champion (tutor) to support the lead teacher three times per week (Mon, Wed, Fri) for five hours, 9am – 2pm. The Education Champion and the teacher facilitated small group instruction, focusing on areas where gaps were present.

Our Impact

In June 2024, students sat for the regents and 100% of them showed significant growth from their prior scores and 9 out of the 16 students received passing scores for promotion.

improving high school algebra ii scores

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