High-Dosage Math Tutoring Success

The Opportunity

Frederick Douglass Academy V. Middle School is a middle school based in the Bronx, NY. In 2023 the school had 240 students enrolled (68% Hispanic, 27% Black, 13% ELL, 31% SPED) with just 9% of students achieving a proficient Math score on state exams.

Our Approach

PRACTICE partnered with Principal Loughren to run a six month high-dosage tutoring program across all math classes. Five in-person tutors pushed into classes five days per week from 8:45am – 1:45pm. Pre-assessments were conducted to establish a baseline of student performance and target

Our Impact

The school’s math proficiency went from 9% the year prior to 25%, nearly a 300% increase in student proficiency in a single year. Moreover, the average student score on the state exams climbed to a 2.4 versus a 2.1 the year prior, demonstrating an average growth of 14% on a per student basis.

high-dosage math tutoring success

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